Here is my opinion on the situation. It ridiculous to pay for this website. He offers opinions and some "rumors" and that is content you can receive for free on numerous websites. I believe this won't last, only from reading the readers in the comments section, which Richie Whitt replies with a snarky remark. He are some of my favorites.
AnonymousDecember 4, 2013 at 8:15 AM
Wait, so you want me to provide you with daily content? And then you want it for absolutely free? But I'm the greedy one. Do I have that right?
AnonymousDecember 4, 2013 at 9:22 PM
um yeah, because media is based on advertising, if you have a million page hits you sell that to your advertisers and get them to pay, not your consumers...the business model is to make it so good that traffic comes to you and you monetize that with ad buys, cmon you know this
Not that's great but maybe this one is better.
AnonymousDecember 5, 2013 at 10:38 AM
I wouldn't pay 5 cents for life to read this blog. This proves once and for all that your are the shithead I always deemed you to be. Hit the pavement and get some more advertisers you lazy SOB.
Wait, because I want to be paid for my work makes me a "shithead"? You may refuse to join my site and that's cool. But a "shithead" seems a tad strong.
AnonymousDecember 5, 2013 at 2:28 PM
Wanting to get paid doesn't make you a "shithead". Thinking you will get paid for the level of content you provide for the price you are asking makes you a "shithead".
The friggin guy actual sent him a link to urban dictionary so he knew what "shithead" meant.
AnonymousDecember 5, 2013 at 10:43 AM
Just what I have been waiting for! A poorly designed "blog" where I get to pay a monthly fee for some exclusive HSO's from some schmuck that works at a struggling pizza joint!
I find it amusing that when my content is free you visit daily and comment and are generally satisfied. When my content costs 25 cents a day suddenly I'm a "schmuck who works at a struggling pizza joint" and my content is flatly unreadable. Ah, perspective.
Here is one of my favorites and I'll end you with this.
AnonymousDecember 5, 2013 at 1:48 PM
Me too, I've liked the RW for years. May not agree with everything he sees right, but everyone has their own opinions. But I feel like a friend kicked me in the nuts and now wants my lunch money. Good riddance RW
(Sybil, better reconsider...)
(Sybil, better reconsider...)
The comments in here will always be free. And, yeah, you're probably right, Sybil's reconsidering marrying me because I'm profiting from my blog. Deal-breaker.
Again I'm not mad at the guy, I just think its funny that he believes his content is something someone would pay even $0.25 a day for. I hear Richie is actually an extremely cool in person but even some of his former Fan buddies are cutting him lose. Probably stemming from his "reporting" on radio station rumors that aren't apparently true. Richie is obsessed with breaking news instead of providing actual insight.