Friday, June 21, 2013

Richie v. Greggo: Hit the Road RaGE

Wow is that title stupid, but guess what? I don't do this for a living.  I have an honest job, I come home to my family and I'm basically as normal as you can get.  I'm also as spare as I can be. I'm an awful writer, not formally educated and my grammar are awful (see what I did there?). A lot of that is because I'm completely ADHD or whatever is to be completely scatter brained, I basically just write what is on my mind.  This isn't about me at all but I just wanted to start that off to tell everyone that when Richie started his "Sportatorium" blog, I was completely intrigued.  I love seeing the behind the scenes of radio stations (yes, I know I'm weird).  Starting Monday he has posted a new entry about his saga with the "Evil Greggo" and more and more I read I realized one thing.  Richie Whitt is an awful human being and a big dumb ass.  Richie ended his blog with "In the beginning, I got Greggo hired. And in the end, Greggo got me fired."  If you come away from that feeling sorry for Richie, you are a bigger dumb ass than Richie.  He wanted to "clear his name" and all he did was make himself look like a POS.  

Now just like Richie, I have evidence that he is an awful person.  He logged into Greggo's twitter and took those DMs screen shots. Wow, how big of asshole do you have to be to do that?? I'm not taking any blame away from Greggo, that definitely incriminates him but good god you are a really bad friend.  For those of you who forget in his wonderful blog in 2008 about the Hardline completely turning his back on Greggo and not supporting him. Over a long period of time the Hardline after many attempts of trying to help Greggo threw there hands up and decided he was lost cause.  Mike Rhyner wasn't going to have Greggo ruin all that they had built for the last 15 years and decided it was best that he go.  Richie made Mike Rhyner out to be the bad guy and now Richie faced with the same situation, DID THE SAME FUCKING THING!  Richie did worse, he then ran his partner in the dirt and now Greggo might be done with his efforts of trying to make a living.  Richie wants to clear his name and completely run his partners name over and over.  Greggo is already completely done in this town, we all don't trust him, we don't believe him. Why do this??  

Richie also says in the end that he didn't write this to dog CBS and that he just wants everyone to see the truth.  I will make this prediction right now, Richie will never have a major radio gig ever again, no way in hell.  Richie would be lucky to find a writing job.  Do you really believe some company would hire him knowing that he wrote a tell all blog because he got fired?  He is completely oblivious to how things work in the world.  Richie will tell you that he will have radio offers and that it wasn't the right fit, bullshit.  In another shocking note, he actually posted him texting an "advertiser" and the "advertiser" telling Richie that CBS wants to have him back.  He then tells the "advertiser", no friggin way they I'm going back, they are lying.  WOW!  I can't believe radio stations aren't just knocking his door down to sign him! Greggo wrote his tell all blog because he knew he was completely done with DFW sports radio.  Greggo was already dead, Richie basically hung himself.  Richie also believe that CBS fired the group so they wouldn't be sued by Greggo, didn't you just say he had numerous fireable offenses? Why would he sue??  I'm confused.  

I'm so glad Richie wrote this blog, no doubt.  I really thought I might come away respecting him, I walked away actually have less respect for the guy.   What did I get from this blog?  Greggo is still Greggo and he won't change.  Richie is a self absorbed ass hole who is only worried about himself. Which isn't a bad thing but when you write about someone else turning their back on someone and in turn do the same damn thing, you're a fucking joke.  Richie knew what he was getting into bringing in Greggo.  He thought Greggo had changed and I think for a little bit he had but there is always a chance for a relapse.  To sit there and act friggin shocked, then crush your partner and say "look at all the good shit I did!", pathetic. Richie might have a different opinion and there is no doubt he does.  I'm just done with that dude. I've had some many run ins with him, he has always talked to me like I'm an idiot.  Well now we know who the real dumb ass is.  I really tried to keep a objective opinion about this whole situation and for the most part I have.  

Hear is what most likely happened.  Management wasn't going to fire Greggo without a solid replacement.  They weren't going to fire Greggo and leave it to the "Rich and Fish Show", they had an idea they would see a significant ratings drop.  I know I've heard both sides that Ben and Skin had no agreement with The Fan, I think the Fan put all their eggs in their basket.  When they finally had the idea they could possibly get them,  RaGE was done.  Greggo absolutely to blame, but Richie wasn't going to be given the reigns.   Richie tries to sheepishly take some blame and then rattled off all the "great things" he had done.   After all this, I'm unfollowing the under whelming account of Richie Whitt and I won't step foot into the "Sportatorium".  What a friggin joke he is. Richie was the one who got Greggo hired and he was the one who got fired with Greggo.  

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